
>Four musicals and an opera
Miriam Harten wrote four musicals and reformed one. And she has written an opera.
2002: JONAH, THE WHALE AND THE TREES, musical after Jonah. Music: J.S.Bach and M. de Boer
2003: A reformation of STER, ESTER, PESTER, POER, by Jan van der Stouw, after Ester Music: M. de Boer
2004: OERSPRONG (=GIANT JUMP) musical after Ruth. Music: M.de Boer
2006: DANIEL AND SUSANNA, opera after apocryf Daniel. Music: G.F.Handel and M.de Boer
2007: TOBIT, blindmans gold. Musical after apocryf Tobit. Music: J.Brahms and M. de Boer.
2009: SALOMO! Musical with flashes into the future and past of King Salomon. Music: Marius de Boer
Covers you can find in the gallery of drawings.
2007 Tobit, blindmans gold
This musical after the biblical Tobit tells the story of the undertaker Tobit and his son Tobias. Tobit becomes blind after he got birdshit in his eyes. Then he sends his son to fetch the familygold. Accompanied by archangel Raphael he takes of to Medie. After a long journey in which Tobias finds the love of his life, and throws out a wicked spirit, he returns to Nineve to follow his father as an undertaker and to cure him from blindness.